Boost Your Growth By Getting Super Clear With 5 Simple Questions
Aug 08, 2024
The best tool you have for high performance and growth is yourself. The challenge is that you have always been taught to look outwards and motivate yourself with external factors, people and events, while the solution is actually hidden internally in your experience of the answer to five simple questions.
While watching the You Tube Video of Rupert Spira; "The Nature of Consciousness". I experienced the impact of the five questions. What these five questions do is to help you reach clarity and expansion, or what you may also call consciousness. Watch the video here if you are interested.
Expansion is Growth
From this place of clarity, expansion happens because a space is created for something new to emerge. It is like getting in touch with your internal idea generation engine except it is more like watching the clouds because if is effortless. For example the title and what you are currently reading reading came from that space in me. It is an open, silent, empty space which I connect to by focusing my attention to that which is aware that I am aware. Imagine a series of moments like this, and the growth potential that lies in it.
It is the space of infinite potential, and it is so easily accessible to us that it is almost funny how we keep missing it, and at the same time it is not, because it is essential that we get to this space. We are so use to having our attention flowing outwards because that is what we are taught since we were small kids and needed to adapt into societal schedules, timelines and expectations. Think about every time you did something even though your whole body told you that it didn't want to. Whatever feelings, emotions or sensations going on inside, we chose to ignore them because we felt we didn't have a choice, we just had to keep going. Just like when we get back to work after holidays and we would rather prefer another week or two off.
Psychological Growth
My perspective is that our currency is energy, to be able to materialise what we want and reach our goals we need to do something that fuels our energy. Whether we are able to do that or not is very much dependent on how we communicate with ourselves and others. Our communication is influenced by our inner sensations, feelings and emotions, and from external sources. Let's explore that further with an example.
It is a beautiful sunny morning, the sky is clear and blue and the sunshine comes through your window and wake you up. You find yourself comfortably in your bed having just arrived back from a longer holiday. It is time to get to work. During your holiday you started the practice of doing a full body scan in the morning. You want to continue this habit as it gives you valuable information about how you are feeling on this day.
You start from the top of your head and notice that you feel spacious and open, as if an expansion has happened. You continue to scan your forehead, eyes, chin, mouth, lips, you feel the sensation of activation, it is like the face is waking up. Perhaps you move it slightly to connect to it, you notice it has been asleep. When you reach your throat you notice something there, it's like a little ball stopping the air slightly, it is almost unnoticeable, but you notice it sligthly. You continue to your chest and here you feel a tension, it is like a tightness is there, it isn't as spacious as it has been during your holiday. The energy is tighter, your shoulders and arms are slowly starting to wake up and come to life. Now you also notice your stomach feels a bit tense. Hips are open, legs are energetic and you notice they want to start moving.
Until this point you have been fully connected to your feelings and sensations, you didn't interpret them or added meaning, you just scanned and observed. Now as you are done with your body scan you allow your thoughts to flow and you remember that you have a meeting to attend today, you feel unprepared, it is the first day to the office after your holiday after all. When you think about it you notice the tension in your throat, chest and stomach. Already you are feeling stressed about work and you know that is why your legs want to start running.
Thoughts add meaning to what we sense, feel and observe. The meaning we apply depends on our own conditioning, could it be that your thoughts come from previous experiences and are influencing the way you react in this moment?
Most people run on autopilot. If they check-in with their body, their sensations and feelings, they might just choose to ignore what is there and keep going. Growth, in my opinion, happens when you start to pay attention to and use all the information available to you and when you are able to relate to it without the need to change it.
Growth without Change
That sounds too good to be true, right? What if it is actually possible? I believe it is, and you can either watch the whole video shared above to experience it for yourself or you can sit with these five questions asked by Rupert Spira in the video and observe what happens. Ask yourself;
- Am I aware?
- What am I aware of?
- Who am I that is aware of that with which I am aware?
- The I, that is aware, what does it know about itself?
- Where does this knowing come from?
I encourage you to explore what comes up for you, and most interestingly, where does your knowing come from? What appears to you in this space of clarity and stillness is your own creative knowing of what wants to be created in that moment. The answers and effortless impact always comes from within.
You will notice that connecting to The I, that is aware is actually always accessible and effortless as long a you focus your attention towards it, meaning inwards, rather than away from it and outwards. This can be applied to everything all the time.
I would love to hear your experience and invite you to connect with me directly by sending me a message or join the Circle of Friends Community to discuss and explore further with likeminded friends.
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