What dynamic meditation has to do with my why..
Dec 09, 2022
The most powerful tool I have available to me today is free and it is available to me at all times.
I discovered it one step at a time starting with yoga an active meditation, to passive meditation focusing on relaxing my mind, and then discovering inner journeys to let go of the past and finally dynamic meditation which is a type of meditation that i would call a forward moving meditation with purpose and intention. Dynamic meditation is something I deliberately practice to solving problems and create solutions by using my mind in a special manner.
I am sometimes very surprised of what happens when I practice dynamic meditation. To such an extent that I stop, because I need to be very clear about what I really want and create from that knowing. The decluttering process is where I spend most my time. The creation prosess is quick and effective.
Decluttering is important because of external influence, old belief-systems and inner-conflicts. This sometimes creates a situation of self-deception and it is important for me to be sure that what I want is really what I want. That it is not fear-driven or influenced by old habits or patterns or value systems that are not mine.
A few years back I had a conversation with a good friend which was about to complete her third year of training at the academy for potential psychology. She suggested that this would be something for me. I was´t quite sure about that, but before I knew I had started the same training.
In individual sessions, and as part of the therapist training I applied all the techniques on myself and so many things started happening.
I was more clear on what I wanted, I was able to let go of relationships that were no longer fruitful and noticed close family relationships improved in a way that I am so grateful for today.
At the same time all of this happened I was working with team coaching, I took a coach certification and I discovered that my real passion is to work with people and development processes.
Eventually I quit my corporate consulting job and started a private coaching, therapy and course practice. The most meaningful contribution I can give. I support others in their decluttering-process and at the same I teach skills that brings more of the human connection into leadership and the corporate world.
There is still a lot to learn, but dynamic meditation has changed me and my life because I know now how I can utilize my own capacity in a way that creates more meaning for me and others.
Coach, therapist and change facilitator - Andrea Altier
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