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Business Agility Training To
Optimise Flow in Organisations

Improve Flow, Collaboration and Learning in your organisation

"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand" - Confucius

Transform the challenges you team experience into opportunities for growth with training that bridges the gap between Agile theory and impactful practice.

Through a series of experiential learning labs you develop a mindset and  capabilities for increasing flow, learning and collaboration in and across teams in your organisation.

You develop Agile Capabilities in the context of achieving Business Agility.

A learning lab is a creative and experimental environment designed for the purpose of exploration, learning, and innovation. In a learning lab, participants can test hypotheses, develop new ideas, and engage in hands-on activities that foster deeper understanding and growth. 

Who is this for? 

This training is ideal for leaders and teams seeking to enhance their workflow, collaboration, and learning to achieve superior business results.

It's tailored for those aiming to cultivate a culture where every member is empowered to understand and influence outcomes through informed decision-making.

By leveraging experiential learning rather than just theory, we focus on building real-world competencies in Radical Collaboration and Agile practices through practical simulations, cases, discussions and theory.

Okaloa Team Flow Simulation

Team Flow

Addresses the dimension of collaboration and flow, and participants learn the difference between resource versus flow efficiency. How to organize work in such a way that you can deliver better, faster, and respond to changes.

Key learnings: System of Work, Agile Capabilities Model, Kanban Principles Pre-requisite: None

Okaloa Competence Flow Simulation

Competence Flow

Addresses the dimension of Collaboration and Learning. Participants learn how to work with competence development and ensure a good balance between generalist and specialist roles.

Key learnings:
Product Mindset, Team First Mindset, Competence Development, Agile Capabilities Model. Pre-requisite: Team Flow

Okaloa Scaling Across Teams Simulation

Scaling Across Teams

Addresses the dimension of flow and learning. Participants learn how to reduce uncertainty and enhance the organization's and teams' abilities to commit to deliveries through prioritization across teams.

Key learnings:
Flight Levels, System of Work on coordination and strategic level. Agile Capabilities Model. Pre-requisite: Competence Flow

Learn skills to build trust and create better collaboration. Exercise personal agility and create psychologically safe environments with Radical Collaboration®. Recognize and reduce defense mechanisms and rigidity in oneself and others, and manage conflicts effectively.

Key Learnings: 
Radical Collaboration, FIRO Theory (The Human Element), Psychological safety.

Conscious Agile 

A Conscious Agile Mindset reveals the hidden potential within organizations, rooted in the personal and interpersonal dynamics of their members. Continuous change and improvement requires strong collaboration within and across teams to achieve learning and flow.

It is now understood that the psychological safety of a team profoundly influences its ability to collaborate, learn, and achieve flow. For this reason, I recommend the combination of Agile Capabilities Learning Simulations developed by Okaloa in combination with Radical Collaboration® Training, to cultivate personal, emotional and operational business agility. 

After completing the course series I help your team establish and maintain a culture of psychological safety by using An AI Based tool that helps your team understand its strengths and weaknesses using the Big-5 Team Profile and The Five Dysfunctions of a Team Pulse Survey. The tool effectively helps your team deepen the learning and maintain the habit of nurturing a psychologically safe working environment. 

Embracing Conscious Agile means recognising and actively participating in shaping a culture that allows you and the people around you to shine.

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Agile Capabilities Model

Developed by Patrick Steyaert @ 

The key is to understand the interconnectedness of practices.